Isaac and Mary's first known child was Issac Dell, Plasterer. It is not yet known when or where he was born. Although, from the age given at death it is believed that his year of birth is c1770. It is not known if this was their first child.
Their next known child, John Dell, was christened in St Martin's Church, Birmingham on the 2 December 1776. Sadly, John Dell died in December 1779. He was buried in St Paul's Church, Birmingham on 15 December 1779. He would have been only 3 years old.
Their next known child, Mary Dell, was christened in St Martin's Church, Birmingham on the 24 October 1780. It is noted that she was 2 months old when baptised.
On 13 June 1785, Isaac Dell of Birmingham in the County of Warwick, Plaisterer [sic], took out a fire insurance policy, on his now Dwelling house only situate as aforesaid not exceeding thirty pounds. Household goods therein only not exceeding twenty pounds. Wearing apparel therein only not exceeding ten pounds. Brewhouse only in the yard not exceeding four pounds. House only adjoining his now Dwelling house aforesaid in the tenure of Saml Lovekin not exceeding thirty pounds. Ten houses only in the tenure of Crump, Morris Brothers not exceeding ten pounds on each £100. Shop only not exceeding six pounds. All brick and tiled and no hazardous trades therein £200.
Their only [?] daughter, Mary married Francis Arnold, on the 5 January 1801 in St Martin's Church, Birmingham by licence, her father, Isaac Dell, giving his consent. The witnesses were Isaac Dell and Katharine Arnold. Mary and Francis had eight children. Their first child, Isaac William Arnold, was christened in St Philip's Church, Birmingham on the 23 March 1802.
Mary [snr], Isaac's wife survived long enough to see her first grandchild. She died on the 17 November 1803. Aris Gazette of 21 November 1803 remembers her thus: Thursday, aged 58, Mrs Mary Dell, wife of Mr Isaac Dell, Plasterer, of Little Charles, in this town. She was buried on 20 November 1803 at St Phillip's Church, Birmingham. The Monumental Inscriptions for St Phillip's Church stated:
Section B
55. Sacred to the memory of MARY, wife of ISAAC DELL, who died November 17, 1803, aged 58 years. A virtuous wife, a tender mother, a sincere Christian.
Isaac remarried quite quickly. His wife had been dead just 6 months when he married Ann Smith, on the 14 May 1804 in St Martin's Church, Birmingham. He had applied for a marriage licence on 10 May 1804 describing himself as a widow of 40 years and upwards and Ann Smith as a spinster of 30 years and upwards. The witnesses to the marriage were Elizabeth Dunn and John Ryland.
Mary and Francis next child, Frederick Arnold, was christened in St Philip's Church, Birmingham on the 19 April 1805. Their next child was a girl. Mary Arnold was christened in St Philip's Church, Birmingham the 29 September 1807.
Mary's father died on the 14 March 1810. Aris Gazette of 19 March 1810 remembers him thus: Wednesday, Same day, Mr Isaac Dell, Sen, plasterer, of this town. He was buried on 19 March 1810 at St Phillip's Church, Birmingham. The monumental inscription mentioned earlier goes on to state:
Also to the memory of ISAAC DELL, who died .................1810, aged 66 years.
I, Isaac Dell of Birmingham in the County of Warwick, Plasterer, Do make this my last Will and Testament in manner following (that is to say), I give and bequeath my wearing apparel unto my brother Jacob Dell. Also I give and bequeath unto my dear Wife, Ann Dell, All my Household Goods and Implements of Household, Plates, China, Pictures, Linen and Woollen and all other my Goods and Effects of what nature or kind soever and wheresoever in or about my now Dwelling house except [can't read the word] said Wearing Apparel and I devise [?] my said Wife to give and bequeath my Family Bible to my Grandson Isaac William Arnold. Also, I give and bequeath unto my son Isaac Dell and my son-in-law Francis Arnold their Executors Administrators and Assigns. All those my Leasehold, Messuages, Tenements or Dwelling houses with the Appurtenances thereunto belonging situate in Colmore Street in Birmingham aforesaid.
To hold to my said son Isaac Dell and my said son in law Francis Arnold their Executors Administrators and Assigns share and share alike as Tenants in Common and not as Joint Tenants from and immediately after my Decease for and during all the rest, residue and remainder of my Term or Terms of years Estate and Interest therein, which will be then to come and unexpired Subject nevertheless to the Payment of the Principal Sum of three hundred Pounds and all Interest due and to accrue due thereon, secured by Mortgage upon the same Premises to William Boole and also subject to the Payment of my just Debts and Funeral Expenses and the Expenses of proving and executing this my said Will.
Also, I give and bequeath unto my said son Isaac Dell and my said Son in Law Francis Arnold at all the residue and remainder of my Estate and Effects of what nature or kind soever and wheresoever share and share alike. Also, I make and appoint my said son Isaac Dell and my said Son in Law Francis Arnold joint Executors of this my last Will and Testament. And lastly, I hereby revoke and make void all former or other Will or Wills by me at any time or times heretofore made and declared this only to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my Hand and seal the seventieth day of December one thousand eight hundred and nine.
Isaac Dell
Signed, sealed, published and declared, on the day of the date above written by the above named Testator Isaac Dell as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, who in his presence, and at his request, and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto the Alterations being [can't read the word] made.
Ben.j Parker
Tho.s Lane Parker
I would love to trace Isaac William Arnold's line to see if the inherited Family Bible, that once belonged to his Grandfather Isaac Dell, got passed down the family.
Mary and Francis had another girl, this time, Catherine Arnold, who was christened in St Philip's Church, Birmingham on the 22 May 1810. She became a Mistress/Governess. And another, Elizabeth Arnold, was christened in St Philip's Church, Birmingham, on the 23 March 1814. A boy was next. William Arnold, who was christened in St Philip's Church, Birmingham on the 23 March 1814.
There is a letter in the Birmingham Archives which is unfortunately undated. It is addressed to
Matthew Boulton, Esqr
I take this liberty of advising you respecting any little matter in the plaistering [sic] business that may in [can't read the word] be wanting will take case to do it in a workman like manner and give every necessary attention.
I am Sir your obedient serv't [I think that is what it says]
Isaac Wm Dell junr
No4 Little Charles Street
By [can't read the word] of Wm Hollins.
Before the year was out Mary's older brother, Isaac Dell, jnr, died on the 2 September 1814. Aris Gazette of 5 September 1814 remembers him thus: On Friday, Mr Isaac Dell, plasterer, of this town. Isaac William Dell was buried 7 September 1814. The details in the burial register state that he was of Little Charles Street and was 44 years of age. The monumental inscriptions for Isaac and Mary Dell state: Likewise .............................aged 44 which we assume was for Isaac William Dell.
Before the year was out Mary's older brother, Isaac Dell, jnr, died on the 2 September 1814. Aris Gazette of 5 September 1814 remembers him thus: On Friday, Mr Isaac Dell, plasterer, of this town. Isaac William Dell was buried 7 September 1814. The details in the burial register state that he was of Little Charles Street and was 44 years of age. The monumental inscriptions for Isaac and Mary Dell state: Likewise .............................aged 44 which we assume was for Isaac William Dell.
Letters of Administration of the Goods and Personal Estate of Isaac Dell late of Birmingham in the County of Warwick and Diocese of Lichfield and Coventry Plaisterer [sic] deceased, who died intestate a Bachelor without [can't read the word] (as is alleged) to be granted to Mary Arnold wife of Francis Arnold the natural and lawful sister of the deceased ; We, therefore, Commit and Grant to you jointly, and severally, full Power and Authority, as well to administer the Oath under-written to the said Mary Arnold as to see the Bond here annexed Signed, Sealed and delivered by the said Francis Arnold, the husband and two sufficient Sureties
Dated 8 March 1815
Mary and Francis' next child was another girl, Lucy Dell Arnold, was born on the 22 October 1815.
By 1818 Francis appears in The Commercial Directory for 1818-19-20 which contained the names, trades and situations of the Merchants, Manufacturers, Tradesmen, &c. for a number of towns including Birmingham. He is one of 26 listed under Die Sinkers
Arnold, Francis, Bath-Street
Mary and Francis' last known child was Sarah Dell Arnold, who was born the 14 June 1819.
Mary herself died 24 September 1821. Her youngest child being only a little over 2 years old. The Monumental Inscriptions for St Phillip's Church stated:
Section B
54. Sacred to the memory of MARY ARNOLD, the wife of FRANCIS ARNOLD, and daughter of ISAAC and MARY DELL, who died 24 September 1821, aged 40 years.
Below is the plan for St Philip's Church, Birmingham showing the burial sections with the Dell and Arnold graves marked. Below that is a photograph taken at the corner of Section D where they were believed to have been buried. It is understood that the graves (and bodies?) were removed at some point?
![]() |
Plan for St Philip's Church, Birmingham showing the burial sections |
Photograph taken at the corner of Section D |
Francis Arnold
Sworn on the Seventieth
Day of June 1822
before me, J Garbett, Comm
She was shortly followed by her stepmom. Ann Dell nee Smith died the 2 January 1823. Aris Gazette of 13 January 1823 remembers her thus: On the 2nd, Mrs Ann Dell, a truly good woman. She was buried on 7 January 1823. According to the register she was of Paradise Street and aged 72 years of age.
The Arnold family story is to be continued.
Here are the details for the possible Worcester marriage
Name: Isaac Dell
Gender: Male
Marriage Date: 23 Sep 1765
Marriage Place: Claines, Worcester, England
Spouse: Mary Davis
Name: Isaac Dell
Gender: Male
Record Type: Banns (Bann)
Marriage Banns Date: 10 Mar 1765
Marriage Banns Place: St Marylebone, Westminster, England
Spouse: Mary Davis
Register Type: Parish Register
Interestingly, the only mention on Ancestry of a Jacob Dell is as follows and just happens to be in Marylebone!:
Name: Augusta Little
Spouse: Jacob Dell
Marriage Date: 1793
Parish: St. Marylebone