Sarah and William Drage of Cambridge

This is part of a bundle of papers I purchased years ago from eBay.

Posting here in case anyone reading recognises the people involved and it helps someone put some meat on the bones of their family history.

It consists of two pages

These are to certify that on the twenty fifth day of March in the year One thousand eight hundred and sixty three before us Ephraim Wayman and George Winter two of the perpetual Commissioners appointed to the County of Cambridge for taking the acknowledgements of deeds by married women pursuant to an Act passed in the Fourth year of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled, “ An Act for the Abolition of Fines and Recoveries, and for the substitution of more simple Modes of Assurance,” appeared personally Sarah the wife of William Drage and produced a certain indenture marked “A” bearing date the twenty fifth day of March in the year One thousand eight hundred and sixty three and made between the said William Drage and Sarah his wife of the first part Lettice Elizabeth Drage of the second part and Charles Banham of the third part and acknowledged the same to be her act and deed: And We do hear by Certify that the said Sarah Drage was, at the time of her acknowledging the said deed of full age and competent understanding, and that she was examined by us apart from her husband, touching her knowledge of the contents of the said deed, and that she freely and voluntarily consented to the same.

E Wayman
George Winter

In the Common Pleas.

Ephraim Wayman of the borough of Cambridge in the County of Cambridge Gentleman, one of the Attornies of the Court of Common Pleas and one of the Commissioners mentioned in the certificate hereunto annexed, maketh oath and saith, that he knows Sarah the wife of William Drage in the said Certificate mentioned, and that the acknowledgement therein mentioned, was made by the said Sarah Drage and the certificate signed by this Deponent, and George Winter of Cambridge in the County of Cambridge Gentleman, the other Commissioner in the said Certificate mentioned on the day and year therein mentioned, at Cambridge in the County of Cambridge in the presence of this Deponent, and that at the time of making such acknowledgement the said Sarah Drage was a full age and competent understanding and that the said Sarah Drage knew the said acknowledgement was intended to pass her estate in the premises respecting which such acknowledgement was made . And this Deponent further saith, that* he this deponent is not in any manner interested in the transaction giving occasion for such acknowledge, or concerned therein as Attorney, Solicitor or Agent or as Clerk to any Attorney, Solicitor or Agent so interested or concerned. And this Deponent further saith, that previous to the said Sarah Drage making the said acknowledgement, he this Deponent enquired of her the said Sarah Drage whether she intended to give up her interest in the estates in respect of which such knowledgement was taken, without having any provision made for her in lieu of or in return for or in consequence of her so giving up her interest in such estates, and that in answer to such enquiry ,the said Sarah Drage declared that she did intend to give up her interest in the said estates without having any provision made for her in lieu of or in return for or in consequence of her so giving up such her interest, of which declaration of the said Sarah Drage this Deponent has no reason to doubt the truth, and he verily believes the same to be true. And lastly this Deponent saith, that it appears by the deed acknowledged by the said Sarah Drage that the premises wherein she is stated to be interested are described to be in the parish of Sutton in the Isle of Ely and County of Cambridge.

Sworn at the borough of Cambridge in the } E. Wayman
County of Cambridge this twenty fifth day of March }
one thousand eight hundred and sixty three
Before me
[unreadable signature]
A commissioner

Second page has the following stamped on the back


According to - Ephraim Wayman was born in Girton, Cambridgeshire, England about 1833 and was married to Caroline.  In 1861 they were living at Merton House, Northampton Street.

This might be William and Sarah Drage on the 1861 census on with their granddaughter Lettice J Drage?  There is a Lettice E Drage staying with her uncle and aunt here.

If you are related to any of the people mentioned please leave a comment.  

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