We also know that he was of Peel Street, Ballarat.
So I was very interested when I saw the following notice which ran at least 66 times in the Empire Newspaper from Tuesday, 17 May 1864 to Monday 1 August 1864.
Empire Newspaper (Sydney, New South Wales)
Tuesday, 17 May 1864
Drs. HICKSON and MITCHEL, Oculists and Aurists,
are prepared to undertake the treatment of all forms of
Eye Disease; and their large experience and marvellous
success have enabled them to announce that,- by a
process not yet, known to the medical world, they can
positively restore the sight to all persons suffering from
any kind of opacity.
Drs. H. and M. have restored to sight and the duties
of social life, many who had been consigned to asylums
for the remainder of their days. They had been pre-
nounced by the faculty incurable;.they now see and
follow their vocations.
Communications may be made in reference to terms
and conditions, to Drs. HICKSON and MITCHELL,
Oculists and Aurists, Ballarat, Victoria.
are prepared to undertake the treatment of all forms of
Eye Disease; and their large experience and marvellous
success have enabled them to announce that,- by a
process not yet, known to the medical world, they can
positively restore the sight to all persons suffering from
any kind of opacity.
Drs. H. and M. have restored to sight and the duties
of social life, many who had been consigned to asylums
for the remainder of their days. They had been pre-
nounced by the faculty incurable;.they now see and
follow their vocations.
Communications may be made in reference to terms
and conditions, to Drs. HICKSON and MITCHELL,
Oculists and Aurists, Ballarat, Victoria.
In an article in the The Star (Ballarat, Victoria) on Thursday, 11 Jun 1863, titled Cause List, Macfarelane v Hickson which detailed
"...a complaint brought by a medical man against the defendant under the Medical Practitioners' Act, sec.7 for assuming the style and title of "doctor," without being registered according to the Act, and therefore unlicensed to act as a medical man."
it clearly shows that Dr Hickson lived at Peel Street the same street that we know Edward Mitchell lived in.
"...The defendant denied that he called himself a doctor. William Macfarlane deposed that he knew the defendant. He resided in Peel street, and had a sign over the door with "Dr Hickson" on it. He had a sign board in the hall of the Mechanics' Institute also with "Dr Hickson" on it..."
But I would like to find something else that shows a connection between John Bell Hickson and Edward Mitchell.